September 10, 2013

Details B9.01

garden pickings slow morning dancing in bed farm visit first on the cob corn garden walk dissected milk weed late afternoon rainy day walk along the tracks

We're in the transition, chilly mornings searching for socks followed by a random ninety degree day. Fall is almost here, but I've decided to hold on tight to these final days of summer until the last of the leaves are green. 

Our garden has been so generous this year. After being away from it for most of the summer, it's fun to wander back in and see what's growing and even where things were planted. James and Little Smith did a beautiful job of keeping it up but sadly none of us documented much of the success. We've been running three steps behind for months, and photographing our food just fell off the list of priorities. At least we managed to eat most of it.

Our big week of change has just begun, and I'm already exhausted but so far it's all running smoothly. James sailed through his first day of work, I'm currently trying to convince an unusually fussy baby to let me dress her brother for his first day of school (only an hour and a half today, so hopefully that's manageable), and considering I got about two hours of sleep... I think I'm juggling everything pretty well. Fingers crossed, it's shaping up to be a good week. 


  1. Wow! James did an outstanding job on that garden! It's so funny, just an hour ago I just harvested a huge bundle and it looks pretty similar to yours... except those carrots. Ours were thick and stumpy this year- any tips on getting them to lengthen out next year? I love those long lean carrots for roasting, though I suppose I could just cut them up before roasting.

    And good luck with W's first day of preschool!

    1. The raised beds really help the carrots. Basically ours grow as deep as the light, tended-to soil. W loves pulling those suckers out too :)

    2. Ah, that makes sense! I need to till down a bit deeper in that section of our garden. I figured that was what was happening. Thank you!

  2. Such cosy pics, makes me feel like I´m there with you! :-)

  3. It looks like you are all doing remarkably well. Your veggies are lovely. The kids are gorgeous. And your meal looks delicious.

    I'm glad James had a good first day! Enjoy the week. :)

  4. Beautiful harvest! And beautiful kiddos :)

  5. These pictures are all so sweet and beautiful. I hope this week of changes is as gentle on you as is possible. You are such a wonderful mama.

  6. Oh wow, 2 hours?? And I was feeling sorry for myself for the last few nights of 4 hours sleep per. Insomniacs & new moms unite! Hang in there Mama. And so glad to know the first day on the new job suited Papa Smith-- here's to new beginnings & (hopefully) a good night's sleep here & there!

  7. It looks like you are all doing remarkably well. Your veggies are lovely. The kids are gorgeous. And your meal looks delicious.
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