November 6, 2012


i just voted / november 6. 2012

Don't forget to vote today! I'm a pretty passionate person about political issues (not always about the actual politicians). I choose not to 'talk' much about politics here, mostly because I think it's easier for things to get misinterpreted and more difficult to keep disagreements civil when we're not face-to-face... if we were face-to-face you would quickly realize that I am right :) I was lucky enough to turn 18 in an election year, which means that this is my fifth time participating in a presidential election. I'll say that so far I am two for four.

This morning we got up bright and early and voted as a family, Little Smith came along too. I thought it would be important to expose him to the process, instead he came close to commandeering my marker and voiding my ballot. I think I managed to fill in all the right circles. It's always exciting to participate.



  1. Love that you brought Little Smith-- I brought all 3 of my kids to every election I voted in since they were babies, its a very important thing to pass on! We've always been politically minded {though I try...note, try...not to get political on the blog} & I've also tried to teach the kinder that they need to know what they are voting for & not to get sucked in by politics {its our country, not the Superbowl is a regular mantra at our house-- though I have to say I tend to always vote for one party, because the other candidates seem to me to be mildly insane used car salesmen with an unpleasant dash of sanctimony...but anyway}. This year Thing 1 {my oldest} voted in her first presidential election & we went out to coffee to celebrate!
    Now let the nail biting commence!

  2. Great that you brought him - and the election is way exciting, I can´t even guess how it´s going to go! :-)

  3. This election is making me so nervous. I plan on walking up to the school to vote a bit later on and just hoping the lines aren't crazy so Izzy and I can take care of business. Otherwise it'll have to happen once E returns home. I'm very interested to see how it will all turn out.

  4. We had to absentee ballot, so I couldn't take the littles :( But we always did before! I also turned 18 in time to vote many, many years ago!

  5. Hooray, hooray! Andrew took our boys too. Then I went back with Emil, so I guess he voted twice!

  6. I'm waiting for my hubby to get off work, and hopefully we will all head to the polls as a family as well. Don't want to go without the hubs because of the little bit about kids who like to commandeer your writing utensil....

  7. We, too, got up early and hit the polls first thing as a family. Alice was a big hit with the old folks in the old folks' home! I think her hand got grabbed or her toes got squeezed a dozen times in the 30 minutes we were there.

    I see a late night of poll-watching ahead of us tonight!

  8. I brought Audrey with me to vote, too! She was dressed as a kitty and several people earnestly asked me why I hadn't washed her face since Halloween. Ha!!

    Your voting stickers in Massachusetts are way cooler than the standard small oval ones we get in North Carolina. Yet another reason I wonder why we're not living in MA.


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