May 8, 2012

Snapshot: 16

doing my best impression of an architect / fall 2002

I mentioned that I briefly experimented with short hair. Here it is in all its glory! I was just starting graduate school for architecture and I think I was trying to fit the part. There was a lot of black and white and red in my life and I took myself very seriously. Everyone needs a small identity crisis to look back on and cringe- right?


  1. Good lord you could be a model! I think you could pull off any hairstyle out there. Funny, I was starting grad school at that exact same time for social work!

  2. Aww, it's pretty! I chopped off all my hair when I was seventeen and stayed that way for many years. I miss it sometimes. But I like it long these days as well. :)

  3. pretty photo! i love when people post pictures from their past. I was also very into black, white and red around 2002; it was definitely my "serious graphic designer" phase.

  4. Looks pretty, but I prefer your current long locks! I cut off my hair after I had Fletcher, and couldn't wait to grow it back.

  5. Very pretty! I love the dark hair!

  6. First of all, you look amazing in this photo. Second of all, if this is your cringe-worthy stage you're doing pretty good. I had close to 42 of those stages at least!



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